“Do As Thou Wilt”

On February 20, 2007, in song, by mugen

“I admit that my visions can never mean to other men as much as they do to me. I do not regret this. All I ask is that my results should convince seekers after truth that there is beyond doubt something worth while seeking, attainable by methods more or less like mine. I do not want to father a flock, to be the fetish of fools and fanatics, or the founder of a faith whose followers are content to echo my opinions. I want each man to cut his own way through the jungle.”

–Aleister Crowley

by Charlotte’s Webb
lyrics by Matt Duncan

What I see and what you see
Are two extremes — an unspanned gulf
You give me grief with your belief
That you are right and I am wrong
My own misdeeds create my creed
I am my judge, I make my rules
You bait me with your weak disease
And sow the seeds that bloom in fools

You scorn me with your practiced lie:
“Without wings you cannot fly.”
You nail me down, I ask you “Why?”
With my own will I’ll touch the sky.

My ears will bleed
My eyes will burst
My bones will break
My fear will fade

The substitute for wings refused,
I forge my path with my bare hands.
Escape this shell in which I dwell,
Escape the world and its demands.
You cannot follow. I won’t lead.
You will succeed like me — Alone.
The path you seek to strong from weak
Is inborn, find it on your own.

The seasons change, the leaves will die
Blown by the wind, and with them, I’m
Caught in the Spiral, curl and fly,
I need no wings to touch the sky.

My ears will bleed
My eyes will burst
My bones will break
My fear will fade

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