Redesigning Apple Music

On May 17, 2017, in Music, tech, by mugen

I don’t use Apple Music. Hell, for the last 8 months, I haven’t even had most of my music in iTunes, and have stuck with mostly vinyl and Spotify. But I’ve been playing around with Medium (and crossposting there from my music blog, and spotted this post about a young designer who, after being turned down for an internship with Apple, decided to turn his rejection into a reason to practice better, more thoughtful design – by redesigning Apple Music for iOS. Looks pretty good to me.

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Traktor Kontrol Z1 + TraktorDJ on iPad

On February 15, 2014, in Japan, tech, by mugen

Just got one of these:

To go with this:

It’s an interesting change and I’m learning it now so I can use it in Osaka in 3 weeks!

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Cleaning iTunes – Repeated Tracks

On March 18, 2012, in tech, by mugen

IT Professional Technical Resources & Library – method using a static playlist and a couple of smart playlists to weed out multiple copies of songs on your hard disk.

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umlauts and such in iTunes

On August 20, 2008, in tech, by mugen

So I was getting pissed that whenever I listened to Hüsker Dü or Björk lately, the characters with umlauts would get all f’d up and it would change the name to Bj^rk or H^sker D^. Same was true of any characters with diacritics, etc. So I turned to Google for some answers and found a solution.

Appears to be the case that iTunes 7.7 on the Mac (maybe Windows, who knows?) hates outdated versions of ID3 tags (the things that fill in all the info on iTunes when you download… er… import… yeah… mp3s and such) and BREAKS them into tiny bits of goofy-ass characters if they have special (read: non-English) characters.

Solution: “select all” in your music list. Then go to the “Advanced” pull-down menu. Select “Convert ID3 Tags” from the menu choices, then choose “2.4” for the version you’d like to use. Once you do that (and basically upgrade the ID3 tag version for all your mp3s (or AACs or whatever), you will no longer have the “disappearing umlaut” problem.



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Steve Jobs on DRM

On February 6, 2007, in Music, tech, by mugen

Steve Jobs doesn’t like DRM any more than you do. Good points about CDs, licensing Fair Play, and why DRM isn’t working.

(ok, so maybe Jobs likes it more than you do since it’s the only way the iTunes Store can stay in business…)

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